Thursday, October 31, 2019

Answers to Finance Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answers to Finance Questions - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that since the Glass-Seagull Act that clearly defined the functions of investment banks, there has been several changes that have occurred in investment bank activities over the last few decades. These changes have been occasioned by market forces and regulatory requirements. Since the repeal of the Glass-Seagull Act in 1999, there has been increased competition in the investment banks sector due to more entry of more investment banks from commercial banks that opened investment banking wings. According to Santos, regulation are imposed to reduce risk, improve transparency as well as improve leverage. Some of these changes experienced include merchant banking, asset and portfolio management, research and security analysis, providing consultancy services during mergers, acquisitions and take-overs and banking for global funds transactions.This discussion highlights that a  money market mutual fund is where by many investors, both huge and small bring thei r funds together and invest them in short term securities. They are normally open-end funds where investors can purchase and sell their securities at will. These funds are professionally managed so as to reduce risks since the securities traded are highly liquid. Investment banks undertake to determine the levels of risk in different financial instruments and manage them so as to receive the best possible returns. Investment banks offer to trade in other financial instruments other than the conventional debt and equity securities.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hinduism Characteristics Essay Example for Free

Hinduism Characteristics Essay The following nine facts, though not exhaustive, offer a simple summary of Hindu spirituality or about Hinduism. 1 Hindus believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality. 2 Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, the worlds most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are Gods word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion. 3 Hindus believe that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution. 4 Hindus believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds. 5 Hindus believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny. 6 Hindus believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas (divine beings) and God. 7 Hindus believe that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God. 8 Hindus believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, noninjury, in thought, word and deed. 9 Hindus believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of Gods Light, deserving tolerance and understanding. GOD AND LORDS IN HINDUISM God is a one being, yet we understand Him in three perfections: Absolute Reality, Pure Consciousness and Primal Soul. As Absolute Reality, God is unmanifest, unchanging and transcendent, the Self God, timeless, formless and spaceless. As Pure Consciousness, God is the manifest primal substance, pure divine love and light flowing through all form, existing everywhere in time and space as infinite intelligence and power. God is all and in all, great beyond our conception, a sacred mystery that can be known in direct communion. Hindus believe in one Supreme Being. In the Hindu pantheon there are said to be three hundred and thirty-three million Lords(divine beings). The plurality of Lords are perceived as divine creations of that one Being. So, Hinduism has one supreme God, but it has an extensive hierarchy of Lords. Hinduism views existence as composed of three worlds. The First World is the physical universe; the Second World is the subtle astral or mental plane of existence in which the devas, angels and spirits live; and the Third World is the spiritual universe of the Mahadevas, great shining beings, our Hindu Lords. Hinduism is the harmonious working together of these three worlds. Hinduism is a family of four main denominations Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, Smartism under a divine hierarchy of Mahadevas. These intelligent beings have evolved through eons of time and are able to help mankind without themselves having to live in a physical body. These great Mahadevas, with their multitudes of angelic devas, live and work constantly and tirelessly for the people of our religion, protecting and guiding them, opening new doors and closing unused ones. TEMPLE WORSHIP IN HINDUISM It is in the Hindu temple that the three worlds meet and devotees invoke the Lords of our religion. The temple is built as a palace in which these Lords live. It is the home of the God and Lords, a sacred place unlike every other place on the earth. The Hindu must associate himself with these divine beings in a very sensitive way when he approaches the temple. Though the devotee rarely has the psychic vision of the Deity, he is aware of the Gods divine presence. As he approaches the sanctum sanctorum, the Hindu is fully aware that an intelligent being, greater and more evolved than himself, is there. This Lord is intently aware of him, safeguarding him, fully knowing his inmost thought, fully capable of coping with any situation the devotee may mentally lay at his Holy Feet. It is important that we approach the Deity in this way conscious and confident that our needs are known in the inner spiritual worlds. The physical representation of the God, be it a stone or metal image other sacred form, simply marks the place that the Lord will manifest in or hover over in his etheric body. It can be conceived as an antenna to receive the divine rays of the Lord or as the material body in or through which the Lord manifests in this First World. When we perform puja, a religious ritual, we are attracting the attention of the devas and Mahadevas in the inner worlds. That is the purpose of a puja; it is a form of communication. To enhance this communication we establish an altar in the temple or in the home. This becomes charged or magnetized through our devotional thoughts and feelings which radiate out and affect the surrounding environment. You can feel the presence of these divine beings, and this radiation from them is known as shakti. It is a communication more real than the communication of language that you experience each day. Finally, it must be clearly understood that God and the Lords are not a psychological product of the Hindu religious mind. They are far older than the universe and are the fountainheads of its galactic energies, shining stars and sunlit planets. They are loving overseers and custodians of the cosmos, earth and mankind. The Hindu cosmological terrain envelopes all of humanity. HINDU HOLY BOOK The Veda is the Hindu holy book. The four books of the Vedas—Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva—include over 100,000 verses. The knowledge imparted by the Vedas ranges from earthy devotion to high philosophy. Their words and wisdom permeate Hindu thought, ritual and meditation. The Vedas are the ultimate scriptural authority for Hindus. Their oldest portions are said by some to date back as far as 6,000 bce, orally transmitted for most of history and written down in Sanskrit in the last few millennia, making them the world’s longest and most ancient scripture. The Vedas open a rare window into ancient Indian society, proclaiming life’s sacredness and the way to oneness with God. For untold centuries unto today, the Vedas have remained the sustaining force and authoritative doctrine, guiding followers in ways of worship, duty and enlightenment. The Vedas are the meditative and philosophical focus for millions of monks and a billion seekers. Their stanzas are chanted from memory by priests and laymen daily as liturgy in temple worship and domestic ritual. All Hindus wholeheartedly accept the Vedas, yet each draws selectively, interprets freely and amplifies abundantly. Over time, this tolerant allegiance has woven the varied tapestry of Indian Hindu Dharma. Each of the four Vedas has four sections: Samhitas (hymn collections), Brahmanas (priestly manuals), Aranyakas (forest treatises) and Upanishads (enlightened discourses). The Samhitas and Brahmanas affirm that God is immanent and transcendent and prescribe ritual worship, mantra and devotional hymns to establish communication with the spiritual worlds. The hymns are invocations to the One Divine and to the Divinities of nature, such as the Sun, the Rain, the Wind, the Fire and the Dawn— as well as prayers for matrimony, progeny, prosperity, concord, protection, domestic rites and more. The Aranyakas and Upanishads outline the soul’s evolutionary journey, provide yogic philosophical training and propound realization of man’s oneness with God as the destiny of all souls. Today, the Vedas are published in Sanskrit, English, French, German and other languages. But it is the popular, metaphysical Upanishads that have been most amply and ably translated. KARMA AND REINCARNATION IN HINDUISM Karma Karma literally means deed or act, but more broadly describes the principle of cause and effect. Simply stated, karma is the law of action and reaction which governs consciousness. In physics-the study of energy and matter-Sir Isaac Newton postulated that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Push against a wall. Its material is molecularly pushing back with a force exactly equal to yours. In metaphysics, karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into the psychic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact. The akashic memory in our higher chakras faithfully records the souls impressions during its series of earthly lives, and in the astral/mental worlds in-between earth existences. Ancient yogis, in psychically studying the time line of cause/effect, assigned three categories to karma. The first is sanchita, the sum total of past karma yet to be resolved. The second category is prarabdha, that portion of sanchita karma being experienced in the present life. Kriyamana, the third type, is karma you are presently creating. However, it must be understood that your past negative karma can be altered into a smoother, easier state through the loving, heart-chakra nature, through dharma and sadhana. That is the key of karmic wisdom. Live religiously well and you will create positive karma for the future and soften negative karma of the past. Truths and Myths About Karma Karma operates not only individually, but also in ever-enlarging circles of group karma where we participate in the sum karma of multiple souls. This includes family, community, nation, race and religion, even planetary group karma. So if we, individually or collectively, unconditionally love and give, we will be loved and given to. The individuals or groups who act soulfully or maliciously toward us are the vehicle of our own karmic creation. The people who manifest your karma are also living through past karma and simultaneously creating future karma. For example, if their karmic pattern did not include miserliness, they would not be involved in your karma of selfishness. Another person may express some generosity toward you, fulfilling the gifting karma of your past experience. Imagine how intricately interconnected all the cycles of karma are for our planets life forms. Reincarnation The soul functions with complete continuity in its astral/mental bodies. It is with these sensitive vehicles that we experience dream or astral worlds during sleep every night. The astral world is equally as solid and beautiful, as varied and comprehensive as the earth dimension-if not much more so. Spiritual growth, psychic development, guidance in matters of governance and commerce, artistic cultivation, inventions and discoveries of medicine, science and technology all continue by astral people who are in-between earthly lives. Many of the Veda hymns entreat the assistance of devas: advanced astral or mental people. Yet, also in the grey, lower regions of this vast, invisible dimension exist astral people whose present pursuits are base, selfish, even sadistic. Where the person goes in the astral plane at sleep or death is dependent upon his earthly pursuits and the quality of his mind. Because certain seed karmas can only be resolved in earth consciousness and because the souls initial realizations of Absolute Reality are only achieved in a physical body, our soul joyously enters another biological body. At the right time, it is reborn into a flesh body that will best fulfill its karmic pattern. In this process, the current astral body-which is a duplicate of the last physical form-is sluffed off as a lifeless shell that in due course disintegrates, and a new astral body develops as the new physical body grows. This entering into another body is called reincarnation: re-occupying the flesh. During our thousands of earth lives, a remarkable variety of life patterns are experienced. We exist as male and female, often switching back and forth from life to life as the nature becomes more harmonized into a person exhibiting both feminine nurturing and masculine intrepidness. We come to earth as princesses and presidents, as paupers and pirates, as tribals and scientists, as murderers and healers, as atheists and, ultimately, God-Realized sages. We take bodies of every race and live the many religions, faiths and philosophies as the soul gains more knowledge and evolutionary experience. Therefore, the Hindu knows that the belief in a single life on earth, followed by eternal joy or pain is utterly wrong and causes great anxiety, confusion and fear. Hindus know that all souls reincarnate, take one body and then another, evolving through experience over long periods of time. Like the caterpillars metamorphosis into the butterfly, death doesnt end our existence but frees us to pursue an even greater development. Dharma Dharma yields Heavens honor and Earths wealth. What is there then that is more fruitful for a man? There is nothing more rewarding than dharma, nor anything more ruinous than its neglect. When God created the universe, He endowed it with order, with the laws to govern creation. Dharma is Gods divine law prevailing on every level of existence, from the sustaining cosmic order to religious and moral laws which bind us in harmony with that order. Related to the soul, dharma is the mode of conduct most conducive to spiritual advancement, the right and righteous path. It is piety and ethical practice, duty and ob ligation. When we follow dharma, we are in conformity with the Truth that inheres and instructs the universe, and we naturally abide in closeness to God. Adharma is opposition to divine law. Dharma is to the individual what its normal development is to a seedthe orderly fulfillment of an inherent nature and destiny. SIGNIFICANCE OF HINDUISM Hinduism is unique among the worlds religions. I boldly proclaim it the oldest religion in the world. To begin with, it is mankinds oldest spiritual declaration, the very fountainhead of faith on the planet. Hinduisms venerable age has seasoned it to maturity. It is the only religion, to my knowledge, which is not founded in a single historic event or prophet, but which itself proceeds recorded history. Hinduism has been called the cradle of spirituality, and the mother of all religions, partially because it has influenced virtually every major religion and partly because it can absorb all other religions, honor and embraces their scriptures, their saints, and their philosophy. This is possible because Hinduism looks compassionately on all genuine spiritual effort and knows unmistakably that all souls are evolving toward union with the Divine, and all are destined, without exception, to achieve spiritual enlightenment and liberation in this or a future life. Please visit, if you wish to seek further

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Junk Food in Schools Essay

Junk Food in Schools Essay Ahmed ALfaraj Schools, it seems, always need more money. One way many of them found funding for things they needed was through corporate sponsorship. While there have been stories about school gymnasiums named after Pepsi, there was a much less noticeable way that corporations sponsored schools and that was through the food that schools provide for the children. The law that says schools must provide children with breakfast and lunches if the kids’ parents cannot afford to pay for them, made it so that schools had to come up with a lot of food for poor kids and that is expensive. Food corporations stepped in and offered their products to schools and schools accepted even if they were not the healthiest of foods. Now, because of things like Pizza Hut pizza, and Smucker’s Uncrustables, without meaning to, schools are contributing to the childhood obesity epidemic by including junk foods in lunches and vending machines. However, thanks to people like Michelle Obama, the unhealthy food h as started to be replaced in many schools through some innovative programs and new government rules about what kind of food can be included in school lunches have helped to keep kids healthy. Most people would agree that offering unhealthy meals to kids at school does not seem like the right thing to do. It is bad enough that many children do not get adequate nutrition at home, but to have the same type of food offered to them at school also seems like a hypocritical thing to do especially when schools are responsible for also teaching healthy life behavior such as eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. The reason a law was made that required schools to serve healthy lunches and breakfast is that lower-income children may not get enough to eat at home. Not only that with many single-parent households and working families, there may not be anyone to fix meals for children. The law was made so that children would not go hungry. It is a shame that schools then would feed children unhealthy food and allow vending machines that sell junk food. Another reason schools offer meals to children is that children who have eaten breakfast and lunch do much better in school. That has recently been proven by many studies, but that is not the only reason school lunches have been given to children. Nick Confessore of the New York Times says, â€Å"It was the U.S. military that first advanced the national-security implications of a healthful lunch. . . . Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, a former school principal . . . told the lawmakers that as many as 40 percent of rejected draftees had been turned away owing to poor diets† (Confessore). That is how the original National School Lunch program came about. During the 1980s, it was cut along with most other social services by the Reagan administration. Schools began to rely on food from corporations who were competing for the attention of schoolchildren. Of course, there were those federal laws that schools had to comply with, but one way they got around the federal law was to offer unhealth y vending machine products. â€Å"Some districts even struck deals with McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A and other fast-food chains to sell versions of their commercial products directly to school kitchens† (Confessore). That was how Pizza Hut pizza ended up on school lunch trays across the country. Some corporations even drastically reduce the cost of their products for schools. It makes healthy food like fresh fruits and vegetables difficult to serve because they cost so much more than what the corporations provide for free. To compete, the USDA subsidizes school lunch programs. In the Journal of Public Policy Marketing Bree Dority, Mary McGarvey, and Patricia Kennedy explain that the USDA compensates those schools who serve lunches through the National School Lunch Program that meet the 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (205). If a school relies too heavily on corporate sponsorship, they may not get the government money and the breakfast and lunches they serve to children will not be as healthy as those that do receive the government subsidy, but they may actually spend less on food per student. The cost is that those students have a greater risk of becoming overweight or obese and of being not as healthy as children who attend schools where the lunch program is governme nt supported. Most people do not even know that some schools opt for the corporate sponsorship over government sponsorship. Most parents do not look into whether or not their children are served lunches at their school subsidized by government or corporate money. Most probably assume that if there is a free or reduced-cost lunch program that it is through the government. If a person were to ask a group of parents what they thought about the different ways that school lunch programs are funded, those parents would not know that one of the ways is through allowing corporations to provide processed, high in calorie foods for lunches and junk foods in vending machines to schools. Some if not most of those people would say that it is wrong to give children junk food and they would probably find it especially wrong that junk food should be available in schools. Even parents who prepare a lunch at home for their children are having their efforts challenged by the presence of vending machines that offer junk food to children. The presumably healthy food that children bring from home can easily be tossed out and the child can fill up his/her stomach o the empty calorie food found in vending machines. Some people like Phebe Gibson and Lily Swartz are calling for updating the policies concerning junk food at the federal level. Not every school has them because states often oversee school policy and not all states show as great as concern over the health of their children as others. Eliminating junk foods from school cafeterias makes children healthier though. Gibson and Swartz explain that many people all over the country want to remove junk foods from schools. â€Å"A recent poll in California indicates  96% of voters  support serving healthier foods and beverages in schools, and a study conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that banning junk food from a la carte lines would result in an18% reductionin overweight or obese students† (Gibson and Swartz). Not only will children be healthier if junk foods are removed from school cafeterias and vending machines, but the childhood obesity problem may be stopped. The argument against the federal government setting guidelines about the types of food that are served in school lunches comes from people who believe the government should not intervene in the lives of people to the extent that they tell them what to eat at school or otherwise. Some say that people should be free to eat what they want even if it is unhealthy. They say that it violates a person’s freedom when the government tells people what they can and cannot eat. Parents should be the ones who decide what their kids eat. Lindsey Tanner of the Huffington Post cites many obesity experts who worry that legislating what people eat may backfire especially where schools are particularly dependent upon food corporation dollars for survival (Tanner). Yet studies show that schools that do ban junk food have fewer overweight and obese students. The same people who want government out of their food are often the ones who say that the presence of junk food in school lunches and vending machines is not the cause of the obesity epidemic. Not every child who eats junk food will become obese. Even those children whose parents are obese may not become obese from eating junk food, even if it is more of a risk for them. The school lunch funding programs that exist help to fund other activities at schools that will help to prevent overweight and obese children such as after-school sports, dance and cheerleading. Linda Gorman also notes that when things like soda are banned, then products like fruit juice, which frequently has just as much sugar as soda, is allowed. Parents and students alike think they are getting healthier foods, but they are not. Gorman says that many feel that banning junk foods will not stop the obesity epidemic (Gorman). For those who believe this, education about the dangers of junk foods is a better policy. Another argument they use is the cost of food. Jan Christensen of CNN says that schools in the more expensive districts such as San Francisco spend, on average, $2.74 per child per lunch. To serve a child a healthy lunch, most experts agree that it costs about $5 per child per lunch (Christensen). Many parents cannot afford to spend that kind of money on their kids’ lunches and many legislators do not want to give that kind of money to schools. Without the corporate sponsorship, it costs too much to provide healthy food in schools. Unfortunately, companies do not give fresh fruits and vegetables to schools. Even if they did, critics of government involvement in school lunch programs point out that the fresh food does not have a long shelf life. Fresh fruits and vegetables become inedible in just a few days. When they go bad, they must be thrown out and that wastes money. The processed food that corporations provide never goes bad, or at least not for a very long time, so there is little waste. Perhaps the real problem is the cost of healthy food and the presence of junk food everywhere in the American culture. Perhaps the regulations should be placed on corporations advertising practices instead of banning them from schools. If kids and their parents saw more promotion of healthier foods, they may be more likely to buy and consume them. Children who eat healthy at home would not develop a taste for empty-calorie food. Then kids would go to school looking for healthy foods and not junk foods and schools would have the opposite problem on their hands: that of turning down sponsorship from companies who want to promote junk foods to children. Either way, school lunches are subsidized by government dollars, and if they are, those dollars should not be adding to the obesity problem that will cost more money down the road to battle. Even if it costs more to put healthy foods in school lunches and in vending machines in schools, it is the right thing to do for the health of child ren. Works Cited Christensen, Jan. Obama Admin Bans Junk Food In Schools. 29 September 2010. CNN. Web. 11 January 2015.>. Confessore, Nicholas. How School Lunch Became the Latest Political Battleground. 7 October 2014. New York Times. Web. 11 January 2015.>. Dority, Bree L., Mary G. McGarvey and Patricia F. Kennedy. Marketing Foods And Beverages In Schools: The Effect Of School Food Policy On Students’ Overweight Measures. Journal Of Public Policy Marketing 29.2 (2010): 204-218. PsycINFO. Web. 11 Jan. 2015. Gibson, Phebe and Lily Swartz. Setting a New Academic Standard: Getting Junk Food Out of Schools. 2015. Prevention Institue. Web. 11 January 2015.>. Gorman, Linda. Junk Food Availability in Schools Raises Obesity. 2015. The National Bureau of Economic Research. Web. 11 January 2015.>. Tanner, Lindsay. Do Junk Food Laws Actually Work To Fight Kids Obesity? 13 August 2012. Huffington Post. Web. 11 January 2015.>.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Little Women Essay -- Literary Analysis, Louisa May Alcott

â€Å"Captured the nuances that still move me to laugh and cry† (Delamar xiii). Louisa May Alcott is such a wonderful woman who was known not only as a great writer, but also a fighter for justice and advocate of human rights. No matter how many difficulties Louisa faced in her life, she had succeeded in achieving her dream. She wrote one of the greatest books of her era, Little Women. She participated in anti-slavery activities, and was a non-official feminist. She worked hard for fans and neither for fame nor money. Louisa May Alcott is example for all of the people in the world. Louisa May Alcott was born in a poor but full of love family. She grew up with the kindness of her father and loveliness of her mother. Louisa May Alcott’s father was a writer, and a great influence on her. Her mother was a pioneer in the women’s suffrage and abolitionist movement. Louisa showed interest in writing when she was the child. She used her father’s dictionary and philosophy book to study when no one saw (Delamar 3-5). Her family moved many times, and only when she got fourteen, she had her first personal room (Shealy xix). Louisa May Alcott and her three sisters got education at home by her father. In spite of her poor and hard life, she tried to overcome hardships. When Louisa May Alcott turned seventeen, she was such a beautiful woman, who was tall and charming. She had great blue eyes and brown hair. However, she would never get married because she thought that a woman could take care of herself without a man’s supports (Delamar 34). Because of her difficult life, she began to work at an early age. She worked as a governess, a seamstress, and a teacher. When she was fifteen, she taught some of her younger playmates. During her teaching and... ... appetite, and all her sicknesses teased her, she continued work. She was not able to write by her right hand, but she forced herself to learn how to write by her left hand. Louisa May Alcott worked on Jo’s Boys, and she knew that it would be her last story (Delamar 136). On March 4, Louisa May Alcott came to visit her sick father for the last time, and he died on that same day. Two days later, she followed her father without any regret. She left behind a wonderful work; all her books, letters and journals are part of American history (Matteson). In spite of hard life, she achieved everything she wanted. Louisa May Alcott is analogy of perfect and free woman. She proved that hard working can help to achieve dream. People read her book up till now. â€Å"One thing she gained was something she never dreamed of – Louisa May Alcott achieved immortality.† (Delamar 142).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Central Asia: Geography, Culture and Economy Essay

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area covered. The gigantic size of this country has made it exhibit monotony and diversity in its physical and human geography. The eastern plains of Russia from north to south are covered sequentially by tundra, taiga or coniferous forests, mixed forests with trees that have characteristic broad leaves, steppe or grasslands and a semi desert on the fringes of the Caspian Sea. These changes in vegetation are mainly as a result of climate changes. The eastern European plain covers most of European Russia. The western Siberian plain is the largest plain in the world, and stretches from the Urals to Yenisei River (Rowntree, 2011). The topography and vegetation is usually very uniform in the natural zones. Russia therefore presents a delusion of uniformity. Most of the major vegetation zones of the world are found in Russia except tropical rain forest (Rowntree, 2011). Nearly 11 % of Russia is tundra. This type of vegetation is tree-less and is found in the north most part of Russia extending from the border with Finland in the west to the Bering Strait to the east. This stretch the covers from Kamchatka peninsula in the north to the Pacific coast in the south. The taiga is the vastest natural region in Russia. Covers eastern Russia and western Siberia plains to the north and accounts for 60% of Russia (Rowntree, 2011). Very few tracts of land in the taiga are agriculturally viable. Those suitable for farming are located in the European fraction of Russia. The taiga is however the world’s biggest reserve of coniferous forests. A large section of the mixed forest has been cleared for agricultural purposes due to its agriculture potential. This is especially in Eastern Europe. The steppe is also favorable for agriculture due to modest temperatures and sufficient amount of sunshine and moisture. However, the area is at times adversely affected by excess rainfall and disastrous drought and very dry soils (Rowntree, 2011). There has been established a linkage between poor health and obliteration of ecosystems in Russia. Environmental degradation control measures who normally ignored in Russia till the 1990s when the government realized a vast area of the country was under ecological stress. The three major adverse environment conditions in Russia include; the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl – Ukraine in 1986, aridity of the Aral Sea and irradiation of northern Kazakhstan which is a nuclear testing site (Rowntree, 2011). The cost of rectifying these three events is by far more than the cost of any mitigation efforts else where in the world. Currently nearly 85% of the air in urban Russia is polluted. About 75% of the surface water in Russia is also polluted. Most of the rivers in Russia are agents of waterborne diseases. Nearly 80 million hectares of farm land in Russia has been exposed to industrial toxics, pesticides and other chemicals (Rowntree, 2011). Most of the forests in Russia have also been affected by acid rain from the European and Siberian industries. Radioactive contamination of the water has spread to the Japanese sea resulting into a conflict between the two countries. Indigenous people are currently faced with a tremendous crisis with the dawn of globalization. They are faced with extinction, survival or renewal in a continuously globalizing world. These communities lack a voice and are easily cleared by market forces (Rowntree, 2011). Globalization is therefore not only a marginalization factor for the indigenous communities, but a threat to their very existence. Indigenous people are normally found in the world’s most pristine areas which are most sought after by developers. Such areas are rich in forests, minerals among other valuable natural resources. New technological advances are also alienating the native communities (Rowntree, 2011). Global economic agreements have also contributed to the demise of hunters and gatherers. Finally, most indigenous people have ended up being displaced to pave way for activities such as mining and dam construction (Rowntree, 2011). Most governments do not consult the native communities when making decision concerning international trade. These communities are a rich reserve of indigenous knowledge and culture which are vital in the preservation of the natural world (Rowntree, 2011). Hard access to the coast does not necessarily obstruct trade and industry development on developing nations. Nonetheless, developing countries, which lack access to the sea, record reduced trade expansion, Europe being the only exemption to this occurrence. Being land locked has a major negative impact on trade thus affecting the country’s economy (Rowntree, 2011). Land -lockedness is estimated to reduce trade by about 80%. The distance between a landlocked country and the nearest port is a major factor affecting trade level disparities among landlocked countries. This is a reason why most of central Asia countries are economically affected by their geographic location compared to land locked nations in Europe whose distance is shorter compared to those in central Asia (Rowntree, 2011). For instance, Switzerland and Austria are more advantaged compared to land locked countries in central Asia because these countries lack the bargaining power for reduced transit costs (Rowntree, 2012). Compared to land locked countries in Europe, those in central Asia are remotely located from major world markets. Central Asia is divided into three major zones physically. These are; northern belt steppes (north of Caspian sea, Dzungaria and Tarim basin), southern belt, south of Aral sea (Khorezm, Amu Darya) and north east Iran desert (Khorasan and Margiana) (Rowntree, 2011). Islam is the major religion in central Asia with most of them being Sunni. Initially Zoroastrianism was the major religion. It had roots in Afghanistan. Buddhism was also common before arrival of Islam. Among the Turkic people, Tengriansim was more common before Islam was introduced. In Mongolia, the most common religion is Tibetan Buddhism. In this region shamanism is also common. A form of Christianity called Nestoriansm was commonly practiced in central Asia. Russian is the most common language in this region. However, mandarin Chinese is also common in Mongolia (Rowntree, 2011). Turkmen is mainly spoken by former Soviet Union central Asia nations. Other languages include Tibetan language spoken in the Tibet plateau. Central Asia is also at the cross road of shamantic and Buddhism practices. There is also a form of oral poetry chiefly practiced in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Photography is also common in former Soviet Union nations such as Uzbekistan due to the influence of Russia. Other forms of arts include Manas which is a style of singing in Kyrgyzstan (Rowntree, 2011). Among the five major nations in central Asia, Kazakhstan is the most economically empowered followed by Turkmenistan. The poorest of these nations is Kyrgyzstan with a gross domestic product per capita of $850. Economic progress has been held back by the fact that this region is negatively affected by external influences and has for time served as a battle ground for world powers. Despite its rich natural resources, the region in general has not been able to exert its control on these resources (Rowntree, 2011).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Essays

Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Essays Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Paper Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Paper The Effects of Detergent Concentration On Mung bean Germination. At first read article about money and life here. Problem: What is the effect of 7th generation detergent on mung beans. How will the 7th generation detergent affect the mung beans. Background research: The detergent I used was the 7th generation only 5% on mung beans. Doing this research we used 10 mung beans but in the end only 9 grew and 1 didnâ„ ¢t grow. Focus On: 1. We are choosing liquid detergents because we wanted to see the outcome on it on the mung beans. 2. The ingredients in Seventh Generation Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent are: water, corn and coconut based surfactants, glycerin, non-animal-derived enzymes, natural water softener, borax (an alkalinity builder), sodium gluconate (an agent to wash away soils), salt (viscosity control agent), natural fragrance (citrus oil) and preservatives (less than 0.05%). 3. Seventh Generation liquids are biodegradable and nontoxic. Using a combination of plant derived surfactants and enzymes; the detergents clean clothes naturally and are safe for septic tanks and gray water system. While some Palmolive has some biodegradable cleaning ingredients , phosphate free, hypoallergenic and attacks grease. 4. Dependent variable: 1. The scientific name for mung beans is Vigna radiate. 2. Some advantages to mung beans in this experiment is the mixed chemicals between the to. Hypothesis If the amount of detergent increases then the number of Mung beans decreased. Materials Beaker Water Graduated Cylinder Container Tissue Mung beans Palomolive Procedure First we filled the water then mix the amount of detergent we had to use. Then get a container with mung beans. Then pour the mixed detergent and water on the mung beans. Then leave it for a few days. Mung beans we are choosing liquid detergents to determine the outcome of it. Seventh Generation detergent ingredients consists of water, corn and coconut based surfactant, glycerin, non-animal product, softener, borax, salt, etc. It is biodegradable and it is also nontoxic. This detergent cleans clothes and is considered safe for septic tanks and the water system. Some Palmolive has some biodegradable cleaning ingredients, phosphate free, hypoallergenic and attacks grease.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Algebra Basics What You Need to Know in One Article!

Algebra Basics What You Need to Know in One Article! All Algebra Basics in One Place! To understand algebra deeply, you need to learn some basics first. This article will help you to start. It contains info that helps to go further in learning. The high school encourages us to study many complex disciplines and one of them is Algebra. For many students, this is a challenging subject as it requires a deep understanding of math and being able to conduct operations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and their various combinations. In this article, you will learn how to cope with algebra challenges and ease the process of learning. Main Things You Need to Know about Algebra All the math operations have to be used in a particular order. To remember it you can use the acronym PEMDAS. Know how to work with negative numbers. The main thing you need to understand that the bigger the number, the more distance from zero points. When you have a big task, divide it into smaller ones to organize the solving process. Start every new stage from the new line. Learn how to deal with variables that represented as letters (like x, y, z) and cannot perform number functions. When you have combines equations with letter and numbers, try to exclude any numbers during the available algebra operations. As we already mentioned, one of the useful tricks can be the PEMDAS approach. This tool was designed to memorize the right math operation order. To cut the story short, we will not discuss in details why it is so, but only decode the acronym: Parenthesis; Exponents; Multiplication; Division; Addition; Subtraction. Shortly speaking, why this order is important in algebra, then you need to keep in mind that the wrong order will lead to the wrong results. For instance, when you have an issue like 8+74 and start with adding operation before multiplying, you will get 60, that will be definitely wrong. According to basic math rules you need to multiply the numbers first and then conduct the adding operations. Eventually, you will get 36 that will be the right result recognizable for everyone. To get the right answers all the time we have to follow this rule. Basic Principles of Algebra Let’s start with the main operations. The first thing will be arithmetic. Every student who learns algebra must know the principles of arithmetic. Since the elementary schools, we are being taught how to deal with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. That is why most people do not have any difficulties with such tasks. Algebra, in general, is almost completely based on these operations. But the complexity of it lies in various formulas, equations and substitution of numbers with symbols. If you have any problems with understanding these aspects, you can learn them on your own using the available online resources and books on math. To obtain skills in algebra you need to learn the basics step by step. If you think that working with numbers is not your passion, you have to realize that there is no need to be an expert in math to understand the main elements of algebra. Even if you study some humanitarian disciplines like journalism, law or languages, you still can learn some simplest equations first and train your counting skills. All the more complicated formulas and issues are required for students who plan to study accounting or statistics etc. In some cases, students may be assigned to write academic papers on this subject and they may get benefits from special writing services to get high results and improve their skills. You also can use a calculator that may help in solving basic tasks and concentrate on more important ones. Also, some software like Excel can be helpful in solving algebra tasks with accuracy. In this case, you need to know how and when to use the available tools. These skills are required not only for students but for people who deal with similar issues. But when it comes to exams, keep in mind that the only tools you are allowed to use there are your calculator and a pen. Any additional tools, devices, and helpful materials are forbidden there. To ease the process of taking such exams and save time you need to know perfectly how your calculator works and what problems it helps to solve. How to Deal with Negative Numbers? The biggest challenge for many pupils was the understanding that -/- gives + while -/+ remains the -. But this is the basic thing we had to memorize. Negative numbers are used very often in algebra, accounting, statistics, economics, and other subjects that are related to math and you need to have particular knowledge. We can start with basic operations like adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing to realize how everything works in order to move to the same processes with negatives. Keep in mind that negative number located on the same distance from zero as the positive equivalent, but the direction is the opposite. You can draw or imagine the line to make visual proof of what number is bigger. When you add one negative to another you get even more negative number. You see that the digit is higher, but it keeps its negative meaning with a minus sign. So it will be lower considering the number line. When you subtract the negatives, you can consider it as adding a positive number. When you divide or multiply negative numbers, you will always get a positive result. When you divide or multiply a negative number with a positive one, in this case, you will always get a negative result. The Structure of Algebra Problems Like when you work on a research paper or an essay, in solving algebra problems you should follow the particular structure as well. Yes, you probably will need to provide a short answer, but the whole process of solving should be displayed on paper in a particular order to follow your thoughts. This is really important when you have to deal with long problems. They may have various approaches for solving, and each of them may require a lot of time. If you do not want to miss anything or make a mistake, you need to start every new step with a new line and number each line. If you have a problem with the two-sided equation, then it is better to put every part of the solving process under each other. This will let you control the process and spot any possible mistakes quickly. For instance, if you have to solve the equation 12/6 – 2 + 5 x4, you should organize your work in the following way: 12/6 – 2 + 5 x4 12/6 – 2 + 20 2 – 2 + 12 0 + 12 13 This approach applies to any algebra problem. When you organize it in the step-by-step order, you will make your learning more effective. How to Work with Variables and Their Definition If you have to pass the SAT, then you need to know algebra well. So you need to understand at least the main principles first. Learn more about SAT test scores and find any other useful info on this aspect. Reaching satisfactory results will help you with entering college. One of the primary conditions is knowledge of what variables are and how to work with them. In SAT you will definitely have tasks with these elements. Also, sometimes we add letters and symbols to the numbers. As a rule, they serve as a substitution to the unknown numbers when you need an extra figure to fit the formula, for instance. That is why they are called variables. We do not know their value, and in some cases, it is not easy to discover it. However, you sometimes even do not have to see the value to solve the task. All you need is to use the right formulas and interpret the right. Here are the examples of variables used in algebra: Latin letters like a, b, c, x, y; Greek letters like theta or beta; the symbol pi, or Ï€, also is considered as a variable. In any case, you should consider these symbols as unknown numbers. In most tasks, you need to find the value of the unknown numbers by using the basic formulas. Here is the example of such tasks: 6x+6=18, where we have X as a variable. This means that we do not know its value but we can define it using the information from other numbers. We need to make both sides equal to 18. We subtract the 6 from 18 and have 12. As we know, 62=12, then we have found out that X means 2. Another approach to understanding the variables is the substituting them with question marks. For example, you need to solve the equation 2+5+x=15, so imagine it as 2+5+?=15. It is obvious that the answer here is 8. But how to act if you have more than one variable in your task? This can be solved simply in algebra as well. Consider them as a regular number in this case. Any arithmetical operations can be done with variables of the same meaning. When x+x=3x, then x+y will have another meaning (for instance, 3xy). Let’s discover how this works with this equation: 1x+3x=8. You can add parts 1x and 3x as they have the same variable and you will get 4x. Since we have 4x=8, then we can easily assume that x=2. But this approach is applicable to the same variable only. â€Å"Cancelling† Principle: How it Works You can get the variable in another way. When we have an equation, we may have numbers and variables from both sides. For example, you may have a task like x+5=83. You need to separate the variables from the numbers. So we need to exclude the number â€Å"5† from the right side and put it on the left. But you have to do so by changing its positive meaning to the negative one. So you will get an equation like this: x=83-5. Now you need simply to solve the basic math task and you will get: x=24-5=19. A piece of cake. Let’s discuss how we can to cancel the addition. When we have the unknown number on one side, this means we can replace the known numbers on another one. We have to conduct the opposite operation. As we know, adding and subtracting are the opposite operations. That is why in our example we have subtracted the 5 to compensate its missing on the first side. This is one of the basics of algebra that you need to know for sure. You can also use this principle when you deal with multiplication and division. As you can see, starting understanding algebra can be not so hard. Train Your Skills More If you feel that you need more training to memorize algebra basics, you can use the visual elements to get the info better. You can use images in order to illustrate any algebra issue like formulas, equations, etc. During lessons teachers sometimes use any available physical objects to enhance the understanding of the concepts. How to deal with â€Å"common sense check†? This is one more opportunity to get deeper algebra insight. Anytime you present a written problem with the algebraic elements. You can check the formula by using the simple numbers. You can choose whether the equation is meaningful by replacing x with 0 or 1. Moreover, you do not always have to get around or straightforward number after solving the math problem. The answer may contain irrational numbers, decimals, fractions, and others. This is the reason you should bring the calculator. You will be informed of what form will be suitable for each problem. If you are confident in your algebra skills, check how you deal with factoring. This is one of the most complicated aspects of math. This approach is used to make the ling equations shorter and simpler. This section is considered as semi-advanced algebra. You can practice by applying algebra approaches to real-life situations. To get the algebra better, you should not only memorize the formulas but to use them and practice. This is the only way you will keep in mind at least basics. If you deal with finances, you can train your skills as well. Part-time or season job can also be useful in practicing your skills. You can also use your knowledge for obtaining related disciplines like accounting, economics, etc. By the way, math, and algebra, in particular, is also required for understanding computer sciences. This discipline is vital for engineering and constructing too. If you still consider that you cannot solve the math or algebra problem correctly, you can ask for professional assistance and order the writing help from experts who will help you to shape and correct your solutions.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat

Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat Robert Fulton  (1765–1815) was an  American  engineer  and  inventor  who is widely known for developing a commercially successful  steamboat  called  Clermont. In 1807, that steamboat took passengers from New York City to Albany and back again, a round trip of 300 miles, in 62 hours.   Fast Facts: Robert Fulton Known For: Engineer and inventor who developed a commercially successful  steamboat  called  Clermont.Born: November 14, 1765Died: February 24, 1815Spouse: Harriet LivingstonChildren: Robert, Julia, Mary, and Cornelia Early Developments Fultons experiments began while he was in Paris, and may have been stimulated by his acquaintance with Chancellor Livingston, who held the monopoly, offered by the legislature of the State of New York, for the navigation of the Hudson River. Livingston was now the ambassador of the United States to the Court of France and had become interested in Fulton, meeting him, presumably, at a friends house. It was determined to try the experiment at once and on the Seine. Fulton went to Plombieres in the spring of 1802, and there made his drawings and completed his plans for the construction of his first steamboat. Many attempts had been made, and many inventors were at work contemporaneously with him. Every modern device - the jet system, the chaplet of buckets on an endless chain or rope, the paddle-wheel, and even the screw-propeller - had been already proposed, and all were familiar to the well-read man of science of the day. Indeed, as Benjamin H. Latrobe, a distinguished engineer at the time, wrote in a paper presented May 20, 1803, to the Philadelphia Society, A sort of mania began to prevail for propelling boats by means of  steam-engines. Fulton was one of those taking this mania most seriously. He made a number of models which worked successfully and justified the proprietors of the new arrangement in building on a larger scale. A model of the proposed steamboat was made during the year 1802, and was presented to the committee of the French legislature... With the encouragement of Livingston, who urged upon Fulton the importance of the introduction of steam navigation into their native country, the latter continued his experimental work. Their boat was finished and set afloat on the Seine in 1803, in the early spring. Its proportions had been determined by careful computation from the results of no less careful experiment on the resistance of fluids and the power required for propelling vessels; and its speed was, therefore, more nearly in accord with the expectations and promises of the inventor than was the usual experience in those days. Guided by these experiments and calculations, therefore, Fulton directed the construction of his steamboat vessel. The hull was 66 feet long, of 8 feet beam, and of light draught. But unfortunately the hull was too weak for its machinery, and it broke in two and sank to the bottom of the Seine. Fulton at once set about repairing damages. He was compelled to direct the rebuilding of the hull, but the machinery was but slightly injured. In June 1803, the reconstruction was complete, and the vessel was set afloat in July. A New Steamboat On August 9, 1803, this steamboat was cast loose in front of an immense crowd of spectators. The steamboat moved slowly, making only between three and four miles an hour against the current, the speed through the water was about 4.5 miles; but this was, all things considered, a great success. The experiment attracted little attention, notwithstanding the fact that its success had been witnessed by the committee of the National Academy and by officers on Napolean Bonapartes staff. The boat remained a long time on the Seine, near the palace. The water-tube boiler of this vessel is still preserved at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers at Paris, where it is known as Barlows boiler.   Livingston wrote home, describing the trial and its results, and procured the passage of an Act by the legislature of the State of New York, extending, nominally to Fulton, a monopoly granted the former in 1798 for the term of 20 years from April 5, 1803 - the date of the new law - and extending the time allowed for proving the practicability of driving a boat 4 miles an hour by steam to  two years from the same date. A later act further extended the time to April 1807. In May  1804, Fulton went to England, giving up all hope of success in France with either his steamboats, and the chapter of his work in Europe practically ends here. He had already written to Boulton Watt, ordering an engine to be built from plans which he furnished them; but he had not informed them of the purpose to which it was to be applied. This engine was to have a steam cylinder two feet in diameter and of four feet stroke. Its form and proportions were substantially those of the boat engine of 1803. John Stevens and Sons Meantime, the opening of the century had been distinguished by the beginning of work in the same direction by the most active and energetic among Fultons later rivals. This was  Col. John Stevens  of Hoboken, who, assisted by his son, Robert L. Stevens, was earnestly engaged in the attempt to seize the prize now so evidently almost within the grasp. This younger Stevens was he of whom the great naval architect and engineer, John Scott Russell, afterward remarked: He is probably the man to whom, of all others, America owes the greatest share of its present highly improved steam navigation. The father and son worked together for years after Fulton had demonstrated the possibility of reaching the desired end, in the improvement of the hulls and machinery of the river steamboat, until in their hands, and especially in those of the son, the now familiar system of construction in all its essentials was developed. The elder Stevens, as early as 1789, evidently had seen what was in prospect, and had petitioned the legislature of the State of New York for a grant similar to that actually accorded Livingston, later; and he had certainly, at that time, formed plans for the application of steam power to navigation. The records show that he was at work on construction as early, at least, as 1791.   Stevens Steamboat In 1804, Stevens completed a steamboat 68 feet long and of 14 feet beam. Its boiler was of the water-tubular variety. It contained 100 tubes, 3 inches in diameter and 18 inches long, fastened at one end to a central water leg and steam-drum. The flames from the furnace passed among the tubes, the water being inside. The engine was direct-acting high-pressure condensing, having a 10-inch cylinder, two feet stroke of the piston, and driving a well-shaped screw, with four blades. This machinery - the high-pressure condensing engine, with rotating valves, and twin screw propellers  - as rebuilt in 1805, is still preserved. The hub and blade of a single screw, also used with the same machinery in 1804, is likewise extant. Stevens eldest son, John Cox Stevens, was in Great Britain in the year 1805, and while there patented a modification of this sectional boiler.   Fitch and Oliver While Fulton was still abroad,  John Fitch  and  Oliver Evans  were pursuing a similar course of the experiment, as were his contemporaries on the other side the Atlantic, and with more success. Fitch had made a number of fairly successful ventures and had shown beyond question that the project of applying steam to ship propulsion was a promising one, and  he had only failed through lack of financial backing, and inability to appreciate the amount of power that must be employed to give his boats any considerable speed. Evans had made his Oruktor Amphibolis - a flat-bottomed vessel which he built at his works in Philadelphia - and impelled by its own engines, on wheels, to the bank of the Schuylkill, and then afloat, down the stream to its berth, by paddle-wheels driven by the same engines. Other inventors were working on both sides the ocean with apparently good reason to hope for success, and the times evidently were ripe for the man who should best combine all the requi rements in a single experiment. The man to do this was Fulton. The Clermont Immediately on his arrival, in the winter of 1806-07, Fulton started on his boat, selecting Charles Brown as the builder, a well-known ship-builder of that time, and the builder of many of Fultons later steam-vessels. The hull of this steamer, which was the first to establish a regular route and regular transportation of passengers and merchandise in America. Fultons first boat in his native country was 133 feet long, 18 feet beam, and 7 feet depth of hold. The engine was of 24 inches diameter of the cylinder, 4 feet stroke of the piston; and its boiler was 20 feet long, 7 feet high, and 8 feet wide. The tonnage was computed at 160. After its first season, its operation having satisfied all concerned of the promise of the venture, its hull was lengthened to 140 feet, and widened to 16.5 feet, thus being completely rebuilt; while its engines were altered in a number of details, Fulton furnishing the drawings for the alterations. Two more boats, the Raritan and the Car of Neptune were added to form the fleet of 1807, and steam navigation was at last fairly begun in America, some years in advance of its establishment in Europe. The Legislature was so much impressed with this result that they promptly extended the monopoly previously given Fulton and Livingston, adding five years for every boat to be built and set in operation, up to a maximum not to exceed a total of thirty years. The Clermont, as Robert Fulton called this first boat, was begun in the winter of 1806-07, and launched in the spring; the machinery was at once put on board, and in August 1807, the craft was ready for the trial trip. The boat was promptly started on her proposed trip to Albany and made the run with perfect success. Fultons own account is as follows: Sir, - I arrived this afternoon at four oclock, in the steamboat from Albany. As the success of my experiment gives me great hopes that such boats may be rendered of great importance to my country, to prevent erroneous opinions and give some satisfaction to my friends of useful improvements you will have the goodness to publish the following statement of facts:I left New York on Monday at one oclock, and arrived at Clermont, the seat of Chancellor Livingston, at one oclock on Tuesday time, twenty-four hours; distance, one hundred and ten miles. On Wednesday I departed from the Chancellors at nine in the morning, and arrived at Albany at five in the afternoon: distance, forty miles; time, eight hours. The sum is one hundred and fifty miles in thirty-two hours, - equal to near five miles an hour. On Thursday, at nine oclock in the morning, I left Albany, and arrived at the Chancellors at six in the evening. I started from thence at seven, and arrived at New York at four in the afternoon: time, thirty hours; space run through, one hundred and fifty miles, equal to five miles an hour. Throughout my whole way, both going and returning, the wind was ahead. No advantage could be derived from my sails. The whole has therefore been performed by the power of the steamengines. I am, Sir your obedient servant - Robert Fulton The last boat which was constructed under Fultons directions, and according to drawings and plans furnished by him, is that which, in 1816, navigated the sound from New York to New Haven. She was  nearly 400 tons, built of uncommon strength, and fitted up with all conveniences and great elegance. She was the first steamboat with a round bottom like a sea-going ship. This form was adopted, because, for a great part of the route, she would be as much exposed as on the ocean. It was, therefore, necessary, to make her a good sea boat. She passed daily, and at all times of the tide, the then dangerous strait of Hell Gate where, for a mile, she frequently encountered a current running at the rate of 5 or 6 miles an hour. For some distance, she had within a few yards, on each side, rocks, and whirlpools which rivaled Scylla and Charybdis, even as they are poetically described. This passage, previously to its being navigated by this steamer, was supposed to be impassable except at the chan ge of the tide; and many shipwrecks had been occasioned by a mistake in time. The boat passing through these whirlpools with rapidity, while the angry waters foamed against her bows, and appeared to raise themselves in obstinate resistance to her passage, is a proud triumph of human ingenuity. The owners, as the highest tribute they had in their power to offer to his genius, and as an evidence of the gratitude they owed him, called her the Fulton. A steam ferry-boat was built to ply between New York and Jersey City in 1812, and the next year two others, to connect with Brooklyn. These were twin boats the two hulls being connected by a bridge or deck common to both. The Jersey ferry was crossed in fifteen minutes, the distance was a mile and a half. Fultons boat carried, at one load, eight carriages, and about thirty horses, and still had room for three hundred or four hundred foot passengers. Fultons description of one of these boats is as follows: She is built of two boats, each ten feet beam, eighty feet long, and five feet deep in the hold; which boats are distant from each often ten feet, confined by strong transverse beam knees and diagonal traces, forming a deck thirty feet wide and eighty feet long. The propelling water-wheel is placed between the boats to prevent it from injury from ice and shocks on entering or approaching the dock. The whole of the machinery being placed between the two boats, leaves ten feet on the deck of each boat for carriages, horses and cattle, etc.; the other, having neat benches and covered with an awning, is for passengers, and there is also a passage and stairway to a neat cabin, which is fifty feet long and five feet clear from the floor to the beams, furnished with benches, and provided with a stove in winter. Although the two boats and space between them gives thirty feet beam, yet they present sharp bows to the water, and have only the resistance in the water of one boat of twenty beam. Both ends being alike, and each having a rudder, she never puts about. Meantime, the War of 1812 was in progress, and Fulton designed a steam vessel-of-war, which was then considered a wonderfully formidable craft. Fulton proposed to build a vessel capable of carrying a heavy battery, and of steaming four miles an hour. The ship was fitted with furnaces for red-hot shot, and some of her guns were to be discharged below the water-line. The estimated cost was $320,000. The construction of the vessel was authorized by Congress in March  1814; the keel was laid June 20, 1814, and the vessel was launched October 29 of the same year. Fulton the First The Fulton the First, as she was called, was then considered an enormous vessel. The hull was double, 156 feet long, 56 feet wide, and 20 feet deep, measuring 2,475 tons. In May the ship was ready for her engine, and in July was so far completed as to steam, on a trial trip, to the ocean at Sandy Hook and back, 53 miles, in eight hours and twenty minutes. In September, with armament and stores on board, the ship made for sea and for battle; the same route was traversed, the vessel making 5.5 miles an hour. Her engine, having a steam cylinder 48 inches in diameter and of 5 feet stroke of piston, was furnished with steam by a copper boiler 22 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 8 feet high, and turned a wheel, between the two halls, 16 feet in diameter, with buckets 14 feet long, and a dip of 4 feet. The sides were 4 feet 10 inches thick, and her sporadic was surrounded by musket proof bulwarks. The armament consisted of 30 32-pounders, intended to discharge red-hot shot. There was one mast f or each hull, fitted with lateen sails. Large pumps were carried, intended to throw streams of water on the decks of the enemy, with a view to disabling him by wetting his ordnance and ammunition. A submarine gun was to have been carried at each bow, to discharge shot weighing one hundred pounds, at a depth of ten feet below water. This, for the time, tremendous engine-of-war was constructed in response to a demand from the citizens of New York for a means of harbor defense. They appointed what was called a Coast and Harbor Defense Committee, and this committee examined Fultons plans and called the attention of the General Government to them. The Government appointed a Board of Experts from among its most famous naval officers, including Commodore Decatur, Captains Paul Jones, Evans, and Biddle, Commodore Perry; and Captains Warrington and Lewis. They reported unanimously in favor of the proposed construction and set forth her advantages over all previously known forms of war vessels. The citizens committee offered to guarantee the expense of building the ship; and the construction was undertaken under the supervision of a committee appointed for the purpose, consisting of several then distinguished men, both military and naval. Congress authorized the building of coastal defense vessels by the President, in Ma rch  1814, and Fulton at once started the work of construction, Messrs. Adam and Noah Brown building the hull, and the engines being placed on-board and in working order within a year. Fultons Death The death of Fulton took place in the year 1815, while at the height of his fame and of his usefulness. He had been called to Trenton, New Jersey, in January of that year, to give testimony before the State legislature in reference to the proposed repeal of laws which had interfered with the operation of the ferry-boats and other steam-vessels plying between the city of New York and the New Jersey shore. It happened that the weather was cold, he was exposed to its severity both at Trenton and, especially, crossing the Hudson River on his return, and took a cold from which he never recovered. He became apparently convalescent after a few days; but insisted on visiting the new steam frigate too soon, to inspect work in progress there, and on his return home experienced a relapse, his illness finally resulting in his death on February 24, 1815. He left a wife (nee Harriet Livingston) and four children, three of whom were daughters. Fulton died in the service of the United States government; and although engaged for years in devoting time and talents to the best interests of our country, still the public records show that the Government was indebted to his estate upwards of $100,000 for money actually expended and services rendered by him, agreeably to contract. When the legislature, then in session at Albany, heard of the death of Fulton, they expressed their sentiments of regret by resolving that the members of both houses should wear mourning for six weeks. This is the only instance, up to that time, of such public testimonials of regret, esteem, and respect being offered on the death of a private citizen, who was only distinguished by his virtues, his genius, and his talents. He was buried on February 25, 1815. His funeral was attended by all the officers of the National and State governments in the city at the time, by the magistracy, the common council, a number of societies, and a greater number of citizens than had ever been collected on any similar occasion. When the procession began to move, and until it arrived at Trinity Church, minute-guns were fired from the steam frigate and the Battery. His body is deposited in a vault belonging to the Livingston family. In all his social relations he was kind, generous, and affectionate. His only use for money was to make it an aid to charity, hospitality, and the promotion of science. He was especially distinguished by constancy, industry, and that union of patience and persistence which overcame every difficulty.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Patriot Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Patriot Act - Research Paper Example Though there is some opposition to this act, with the opponents arguing that it has some abuse on the civil liberty and discourages free speech (Mascaro, W06). The opponents also argue that the act jeopardizes the privacy and the freedom of the American citizens, by legalizing the surveillance of their private life activities by the government. However, this notwithstanding, the act has gone a long way in ensuring the safety of the American people against terrorist attacks. Through the ability to intercept telephone lines and internet messages, the act allows the government to spy all the activities of the terror groups and individuals, and serve to apprehend those involved in such plans, just before the attack is full-blown (Mac Donald, 23). The act has many other provision all meant to guard against the planning and execution of criminal and terror attacks within the US and its other areas of Jurisdiction. Under this section 215 of the Act, the director of Federal Bureau of Investi gations (FBI) or a designee of the director may make an application for an order requiring the suspected individuals to produce anything tangible may it be books, papers, documents, for use in investigation against international terrorism (Mac Donald, 11). Such applications are to be made to a judge, who then grants the director such orders authorizing the suspect to produce such tangibles. However, such orders shall not disclose that they are issued for such investigations (Steranko, 36). The information that the FBI has sought such tangibles is not to be disclosed by any one, the person from whom they are sought inclusive. This section has served to protect the lives of the American people against terrorism. This is because, it allows the intelligence agencies to investigate suspected terrorists well in advance and that guard against a likelihood of them organizing and perpetrating terrorist attacks (Keller, A2). For example, this section allows the FBI to wiretap communication or obtain an order to search a home of an individual they suspect is an agent of foreign power, or a member of a terror network, without prior notice of search a search to the individual. The only concern the opponents raises is that there is no adequate protection against such violations occurring in the future. The section has effectively eliminated the limitations associated with specific target people and group from whom the materials and information is to be sought, since it is not possible to predict who the terrorist and the criminals are. By providing for the acquisition of such information from any one and any place, the provision ensures a complete coverage of all areas that are likely to be sources of terrorist threats, even when such sources are disguised. This is important, since libraries and bookstores can be a vital source of information for the terrorists and criminals. Section 805 of the Patriot Act makes provisions, which makes any offer of material support to terro rist or terrorist organizations in the US illegal (Mascaro, W06). The definition of crime under this section is broadened to illegalize the provision of support to include monetary instruments, financial securities, and any form of expertise advice or assistance (Steranko, 38). This section has served to protect the American people from terrorist attack, through ensuring that no support is obtained domestically by the terrorist from their terror networks or

Friday, October 18, 2019

Selecting and Model and Anticipating Barriers posts Assignment

Selecting and Model and Anticipating Barriers posts - Assignment Example In matters of oral health, â€Å"...perceived severity...and...Perceived benefits† should be the main concepts in promotion of oral hygiene. Perceived severity of oral problems is usually low as oral problems are not perceived as fatal; however, quality of life is significantly lowered e.g. through pain and a problem like halitosis limits social interaction. Dentists thus can be involved in HBM by showing the benefits of prevention and healthy living; especially financial benefits and avoidance of pain (Maurer & Smith, 2009). I agree that â€Å"People know what is good for their health but it is difficult for them to change their behavior.† This might stem from them not knowing the actual steps needed to lead healthier lives in spite of them having insight to the health problems they face. By integrating people in decision-making, they are part of the solution thus likely to adopt change than when they feel the proposed changes are alien to them (Center for Disease Control and

Geography of minnesota Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geography of minnesota - Assignment Example Due to glaciation much of the sandstone was eroded leaving eroded igneous material on the surface. The North Shore rises has an elevation of about six hundred feet and is said to have been as low as 250 feet from its current position and as high as five hundred feet from where it stands now. Minnesota is a state where three of North America’s biomes converge but the North Shore contains the boreal forest although it has some of the prairie grasslands. Although the state of Minnesota records the two extremes of the weather that is the hot summers and very cold winters the temperature the temperatures in the North Shore are no different as mean temperatures range from 2degrees centigrade to 5dergrees centigrade. Lake Agassiz was a lake which was located at the Northern part of America that was larger than the Great Lakes but all that is left is Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba and Lake of the Woods all which are the relics of Lake

Sports Counsil Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sports Counsil - Assignment Example Furthermore, it argued that it had revoked its offer after the swim had started on 7th July 2011 and sent boats after the swimmers to make it clear to the swimmers that there will not be any prize. They argued that they had used loudspeakers. But, Jennifer said she never heard any announcement particularly due to the bathing cap covering her ears and she was focused on her swimming only. Issue The problem is that Jennifer had accepted the offer made by Sports Council and joined the swimmers in the race. She reached the shore first and was entitled to a prize. However, Sports Council has refused to pay her the promised prize. Questions Related to the Case The following questions arise here that requires critical analysis and legal backup to reach to the advice for Jennifer: Q1. What laws are applicable to Jennifer vs. Sports Council case? Q2. Was the offer made by Sports Council an offer or an invitation to treat? Q3. Was Jennifer’s acceptance of the offer properly communicated to Sports Council? Q4. Is intention to create legal relations integral to creating a valid enforceable contract? Q5. Was there any contract between Jennifer and Sports Council? Q6. Was it a unilateral or bilateral contract? Q7. Was there any consideration? Q8. Was the revocation of the offer valid? Q9. Is Sports Council liable to pay the prize to Jennifer and any other damages in the instance of refusal to pay the prize? Q10. Does UK law provides any remedies to Jennifer in terms of a legal action against Sports Council? Flow of Discussion in the Paper This paper will address the above mentioned questions through the critical analysis of the four alternative grounds relied upon to refuse payment of prize money to Jennifer. The analysis will aim to evaluate each of the alternative ground in the light of United Kingdom’s Contract Law to reach to the conclusion whether these grounds are valid and have any force of law. The conclusion will help in determining the legal position of Jennifer and lay down the future course of action to claim the prize money. Analysis of the Alternative Grounds Relied upon by Sports Council a) The newspaper advertisement was not an offer but a mere puff and there was no intention to create legal relations. Paul Richard has defined offer as â€Å"an expression of a willingness to contract on certain terms made with the intention that a binding agreement will exist once the offer is accepted†1. The first step to formation of a contract is an offer. The offer is made between an offeror and offeree. The offeror shows or expresses a willingness to enter into a contract on certain and definite terms which will come into force and become binding as soon as they have been accepted by the offeree who has been addressed. However, the term â€Å"expression† refer to numerous forms of communicating to the offeree like newspaper, letter or email. It also includes a conduct of an offeror to an offeree that communicates to the latter due to which the offeree is willing to contract with the offeror. The expression can only be objective and not a subjective one. The courts conduct a test to determine whether there was an offer which was accepted to determine whether an agreement existed between both parties. In the leading British case Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597, the court held that: "If, whatever a man's real intention may be, he so conducts himself that a reasonable

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Career opportunities- Sports information director and Media relations Essay

Career opportunities- Sports information director and Media relations coordinator - Essay Example should possess good verbal and written communications, interpersonal relations, good presentation skills, and ability to work a flexible schedule (Gresham, 2015). According to Gresham (2015), to become a sports information director, one needs to pursue a degree in marketing, communication or sports. Further, one needs to get certification from the College Sports Information Directors of America to show that one has knowledge and acumen to succeed. The media relations coordinator acts as the principal point of contact for all public and media relations efforts. They engage in shaping and propagating the broad communication strategies that will influence the audiences (Loughborough University, 2010). The entry level of a media relations officer includes a bachelor’s degree in communication, public relations or any other related field. One also needs knowledge and experience with media monitoring software, online media databases, excellent attention to details, and proficiency in computer skills, ability to work independently, excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills and good networking skills (Marketing, 2012). To become a public relations coordinator, one needs to go through the general education. The person should have the ability to communicate fluently both in writing and in speech. One should also get training in marketing, communications and writing. Additionally one should be networked by joining the Public Relations Student Society of America. One should also get to go for internships while in school to gain the hands-on knowledge (Marketing,

Organizational Change A Literature Review Essay

Organizational Change A Literature Review - Essay Example Being an ‘organism’ all organizations are prone to change; in fact change is part of its nature. Organizations always seek to maximize growth as much as longevity, and in order to ensure this growth and longevity a thriving organization must adjust in tandem with the changing times. But even as the organization seeks and adopts changes it may benefit from in the long term, these changes variably affect the lives and careers of the people who comprise it. For some the necessary adjustments are unsettling because they usually detract from the routines that organizational personnel have become accustomed to. Changes also tend to deviate from the longer-term expectations individuals have set for themselves under the conditions prior to the change, thereby creating anxieties and uncertainties that challenge the employee’s trust in his organization. Similar problems arise with respect to the organization’s other stakeholders which tend to threaten the successful adoption of the change. The literature review explores the complex issues that attend the adoption of change in organizations. Repercussions pertaining to the organization itself as well as its stakeholders shall be examined, and insights which shall be gathered from the wealth of academic literature on organizational change shall be integrated to support a furtherance of future studies. Drivers of organizational change There are three categories of forces which exert pressure for organizational change, according to Tichy (1982, as cited by Westover, 2010, p. 46), namely technical, political, and cultural forces. Technical forces refers to imperatives for change created by changes in technology and economic conditions in the environment, including the development of advance equipment, changing interest rates and increase in competition. Political forces pertains to pressures for change brought about by issues associated with power, influence, and resource allocation; these include issues of who holds authority, who are rewarded, and who are empowered to decide how rewards and resources are allocated. Finally, cultural forces refers to those pressures urging change as a result of a shift in the collective values and beliefs of people, that is, the demographic composition and cultural diversity of the labor pool and societal values (Westover, 2010). The change agent ( typically the human resources professional in an organizational setting) will perform a vital role, described in the subsequent discussion below, in bringing together both management and employees to effectively address these pressures by fostering effective change strategies. Numerous drivers of organizational change have been identified over the decades, but there has been a confluence of studies which incline towards some commonly cited factors. In a theory-building survey of academic studies, Whelan-Berry and Somerville (2010) have determined these to be: (1) the acceptance of a change vision; (2) leaders’ change related activities; (3) change related communication; (4) change related training; (5) change related employee participation; (6) aligned human resources practices; and (7) aligned organization structure and control processes (p. 182) Organizational structure as tool and barrier to organizational change According to Hannan, Polos and Carroll (2003), there are fou r types of processes that delay and may even prevent organizational change. These are: structural processes, that include the consequences of intricacy of the adopted change and the viscosity or sluggishness of response; institutional processes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sports Counsil Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sports Counsil - Assignment Example Furthermore, it argued that it had revoked its offer after the swim had started on 7th July 2011 and sent boats after the swimmers to make it clear to the swimmers that there will not be any prize. They argued that they had used loudspeakers. But, Jennifer said she never heard any announcement particularly due to the bathing cap covering her ears and she was focused on her swimming only. Issue The problem is that Jennifer had accepted the offer made by Sports Council and joined the swimmers in the race. She reached the shore first and was entitled to a prize. However, Sports Council has refused to pay her the promised prize. Questions Related to the Case The following questions arise here that requires critical analysis and legal backup to reach to the advice for Jennifer: Q1. What laws are applicable to Jennifer vs. Sports Council case? Q2. Was the offer made by Sports Council an offer or an invitation to treat? Q3. Was Jennifer’s acceptance of the offer properly communicated to Sports Council? Q4. Is intention to create legal relations integral to creating a valid enforceable contract? Q5. Was there any contract between Jennifer and Sports Council? Q6. Was it a unilateral or bilateral contract? Q7. Was there any consideration? Q8. Was the revocation of the offer valid? Q9. Is Sports Council liable to pay the prize to Jennifer and any other damages in the instance of refusal to pay the prize? Q10. Does UK law provides any remedies to Jennifer in terms of a legal action against Sports Council? Flow of Discussion in the Paper This paper will address the above mentioned questions through the critical analysis of the four alternative grounds relied upon to refuse payment of prize money to Jennifer. The analysis will aim to evaluate each of the alternative ground in the light of United Kingdom’s Contract Law to reach to the conclusion whether these grounds are valid and have any force of law. The conclusion will help in determining the legal position of Jennifer and lay down the future course of action to claim the prize money. Analysis of the Alternative Grounds Relied upon by Sports Council a) The newspaper advertisement was not an offer but a mere puff and there was no intention to create legal relations. Paul Richard has defined offer as â€Å"an expression of a willingness to contract on certain terms made with the intention that a binding agreement will exist once the offer is accepted†1. The first step to formation of a contract is an offer. The offer is made between an offeror and offeree. The offeror shows or expresses a willingness to enter into a contract on certain and definite terms which will come into force and become binding as soon as they have been accepted by the offeree who has been addressed. However, the term â€Å"expression† refer to numerous forms of communicating to the offeree like newspaper, letter or email. It also includes a conduct of an offeror to an offeree that communicates to the latter due to which the offeree is willing to contract with the offeror. The expression can only be objective and not a subjective one. The courts conduct a test to determine whether there was an offer which was accepted to determine whether an agreement existed between both parties. In the leading British case Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597, the court held that: "If, whatever a man's real intention may be, he so conducts himself that a reasonable

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Change A Literature Review Essay

Organizational Change A Literature Review - Essay Example Being an ‘organism’ all organizations are prone to change; in fact change is part of its nature. Organizations always seek to maximize growth as much as longevity, and in order to ensure this growth and longevity a thriving organization must adjust in tandem with the changing times. But even as the organization seeks and adopts changes it may benefit from in the long term, these changes variably affect the lives and careers of the people who comprise it. For some the necessary adjustments are unsettling because they usually detract from the routines that organizational personnel have become accustomed to. Changes also tend to deviate from the longer-term expectations individuals have set for themselves under the conditions prior to the change, thereby creating anxieties and uncertainties that challenge the employee’s trust in his organization. Similar problems arise with respect to the organization’s other stakeholders which tend to threaten the successful adoption of the change. The literature review explores the complex issues that attend the adoption of change in organizations. Repercussions pertaining to the organization itself as well as its stakeholders shall be examined, and insights which shall be gathered from the wealth of academic literature on organizational change shall be integrated to support a furtherance of future studies. Drivers of organizational change There are three categories of forces which exert pressure for organizational change, according to Tichy (1982, as cited by Westover, 2010, p. 46), namely technical, political, and cultural forces. Technical forces refers to imperatives for change created by changes in technology and economic conditions in the environment, including the development of advance equipment, changing interest rates and increase in competition. Political forces pertains to pressures for change brought about by issues associated with power, influence, and resource allocation; these include issues of who holds authority, who are rewarded, and who are empowered to decide how rewards and resources are allocated. Finally, cultural forces refers to those pressures urging change as a result of a shift in the collective values and beliefs of people, that is, the demographic composition and cultural diversity of the labor pool and societal values (Westover, 2010). The change agent ( typically the human resources professional in an organizational setting) will perform a vital role, described in the subsequent discussion below, in bringing together both management and employees to effectively address these pressures by fostering effective change strategies. Numerous drivers of organizational change have been identified over the decades, but there has been a confluence of studies which incline towards some commonly cited factors. In a theory-building survey of academic studies, Whelan-Berry and Somerville (2010) have determined these to be: (1) the acceptance of a change vision; (2) leaders’ change related activities; (3) change related communication; (4) change related training; (5) change related employee participation; (6) aligned human resources practices; and (7) aligned organization structure and control processes (p. 182) Organizational structure as tool and barrier to organizational change According to Hannan, Polos and Carroll (2003), there are fou r types of processes that delay and may even prevent organizational change. These are: structural processes, that include the consequences of intricacy of the adopted change and the viscosity or sluggishness of response; institutional processes

My Reaction Essay Example for Free

My Reaction Essay This novel was written to remind us the bad things that Jose Rizal experienced during his time by the Spanish. From the very start of this novel, the first plan of our  national hero is, to  write this novel with the help of his countryman that is also suffering to the hands of the Spanish, but suddenly he failed to do it with the help of his countryman, because his countryman lose their hope in fulfilling their dreams to have freedom in the hands of the Spanish colonies. Jose Rizal did not give up, because he continue write this novel without the help of his countryman, and he decided to write it by himself only. The first chapter of this novel was entitled  µÃ‚ ¶the paging ¶Ã‚ ¶, where in, in this chapter stated the lifestyle of Don Santiago de los Santos also known as Capitan Tiago, he was from Binondo and he was the step father of Maria Clara according to this chapter. In this chapter, the other characters was Padre sibyla, Padre Damaso, and Tangent Guevarra. According to this chapter, Capitan tiago invited the said characters to go to his house and have asimple gathering, but suddenly it came to a fight between Padre Damaso and Tenyente Guevara  because of the ereheng namatay. It illustrates the rotten system of governance, the illicit ways of the church and the unfavorabletrade  of the privilege class. The Noli also relates how the government, the church and the privilege class manipulate the people. The government deprives the youth of  education  and how they use the peoples ignorance to their advantage. The treacherous friars by means of God and faith controlled the people. Making them dummies of all sorts. On the other hand, the privilege class used their elite status to get ahead of everybody, by hook or by crook employing the me first attitude. In the Noli, the weak and dispossed seemingly lose hope resulting to unfortunate deaths (as the case Pilisopo Tasyo) and sometimes insanity. (as the case of Sisa)Hence the oppressed formed a brotherhood that hopes to liberate the country by use of force. To no avail, due to disorganization and lack of arms, each and every attempt at resistance failed. In Noli, the character of Juan Crisostomo Ibarra was introduced, an intelligent and promising young man who has high hopes of changing the course of the country.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Wireless Mouse: History and Types

Wireless Mouse: History and Types Introduction Mouse is an input device for computer and it is used to access or run on the computer screen, without mouse we cant move cursor or arrow on the screen, without mouse we cant open, close, there is no such thing or device to replace instead of mouse. In this wireless mouse technology is now running in present world and wireless mouse works with Bluetooth connection and it uses battery power, battery power withstands longtime minimum period of one year and mouse consumes less power in it, in wireless mouse Bluetooth slot is present without losing transmitter. Mouse are of different types: Wire mouse Wireless mouse Touchpad mouse Key contributors: First mice were invented in the year 1944 by Ralph Benjamin and he was invented for the purpose for the fir control radar at world war II. Mouse was conceived by Doug Engelbart in the year 1960. The Engelbart thought up this idea in 1961 and first prototype mouse was created by English in 1964. (4) Engelbart English approached NASA for fund further research and to determine which input device is best for controlling cursor. In the year 1967 Bill English was analyzing the results of the various characteristics of input devices, Periodic table of the elements which has characteristics to define groups along rows and columns, periodic table is the main led to discovery of certain unknown elements, this defined the characteristics of a device that didnt exist before. That device was the mouse, (1) The cursor was controlled by a simple mechanism using joystick that Benjamin after thinking and he came up with roller ball and it functions alike to the standard mechanical mouse. Roller ball was coated with rubber and it contacts to the sides of the rollers, rollers can turn in x y directions and that movement was transfer in to proper movement of pointer on screen. This device gave birth to the mouse. First developed: First prototype was developed by Bill English, and kept secretly without knowing outside of the world. Bill English Engelbart approach NASA for further research to get best results. (1) (5) Mouse has only two directions to move freely i.e; X and y directions.After few inventions from mechanical mouse, ball mouse was replaced with single ball it can rotate in all direction when compared to mechanical mouse moves only in x and y directions. This version of mouse was changed the entire world later it became the predominant form ans used with personal computer throughtout 1980s and 1990s.(1) Mouse Mechanism Mouse works with the help of roller ball and ball moves forward and backward direction with the help of diode motion was detected and transforms the motion onto the screen, there is special software to detect the motion of the roller ball and translate the motion on to the screen. Roller ball is used to control the cursor on the graphical user interface on screen, vertical wheel and horzontal wheel are used to move cursor from one point to another point on screen, roller ball has three guides which are used to guide the ball without getting out from the instrument while operating the mouse, the motion of the rollers sends electrical signals to the computer and software is used to convert signals in to user interface i.e; cursor.Mouse connects directly with the help of wire. The basic mouse has one button. The single button has name LISA MOUSESingle button was first introduced by apple company in the year 1983 and material is steel and it was used until 2000.This design was not changed for almost 20 years due to it compact design, for this design they have done a lot of research to get final product, it was acctually designed and renamed by IDEO in 1991. Lisa mouse was failed due to it technical reasons, after that they changed and introduced The Macintosh Mouse material is used is rubber. After this apple introduced two more designs and it doesnt take any effect. (2) In 2005 apple introduced new product witout using mechanism and the name of the product is The Mighty Mouse after 22 years of strugulling they succeded in this product and it works good, the mouse body respond to the click.(2) Wireless Mouse: Wireless mouse or Optical mouse was first demonstrated by two independent inventors in 1980s by John Markoff Sol Sherr, it uses a infrared led and a four-quadrant infrared instrument to detect grid lines in pattern with infrared engrossing ink on a special metallic surface. (Optical,2017.web.23 Mar.2017.) Optical mouse or wireless mouse uses a light source to detect movements relative to surface, it is different from mechanical mouse, in optical mouse moving parts are not present. Wireless mouse consist of transmitter, reciever, battery, and reciver can be placed behind the battery inside the mouse. The reciever is connected to the computer and transmitter is inbuilt in side of the mouse, reciever and transmitter uses radio frequency to communicate each other to transfer signals from both sides and it is a continous process, if battery power drainsout we need to replace or if the battery is rechargable we need to charge before using. Functions of mouse:- Left click Single click Double click Click and hold Right click Scroll wheel Navigation or Sensor Left click is used for selecting options in left click or button there are three options in that single click is used to highlight folder or selecting the particular tab while browsing web. Double click is used for opening folder, selecting words, opening documents in that folder. Click and hold is for copying files from other sources in to the particular folder, copying images into word documents, highlight the words, drag and drop in web browsing, copying files from usb to pc. Right click is mainly for shortcuts for new folders, new ms office files, for documents or folders right click is to open,edit,rename,cut,copy,delete,properties.This functions are highlighted in that particular button or click. Scroll wheel is used to scroll page up down, zoom in zoom out in maps,images, in some applications scroll wheel is also used to exit particular command i.e; creo software. Navigation or sensor is nothing but identifying where cursor or pointer is located. Sensor identifies the location of cursor or pointer. Touch pad: Touch pad was first introduced by Olivetti and Triumph-Adler in 1992, after that Cirque corporation was developed and commercilaized the touchpad and it was used commonly for various products like notebook and computers. Cirque corporation branded as Glidepoint in 1994, Glidepoint wass the first technology adopted in the notebook omputers as system pointing devices, it performs the same as mouse. Glide point technology reconiged as one of six best products on cover Best products of 1994. PC Magazine 10 january 1995. (3) Apple announced touchpads to powerbook series in the year 1992.(3) Touchpad works two types of working principle, conductive sensing and capacitive sensing. Conductive sensing has two layers one is horizontal and vertical set of wires between two layers there are low conductive material is used for intersection and doesnt flow electricity between these layers. Capacitive sensors detect anything is conductive and it has two parts one is ground and other is sensor. Capacitive sensor is the most common sensor is widely used in everyday life. when we touch the two layers by using finger for contact to each other at a point and the point gets coordinates and coordinates sends to the system. Functions of touchpad is like mouse; relative motion enables us to move our finger across the surface of touchpad and moves cursor on screen. Under the touchpad two buttons are present and it was like the mouse buttons and it functions same as mouse clicks i.e.; left button, right button. Mouse has scroll wheel and in touch pad it doesnt provide in it, instead of that in touchpad there is an option of hotspot which enables the scroll wheel function in touchpad, there is an option in hotspot like, one finger, multi finger, additional. One-finger there are different option tapping; button, left click, right click; drag and drop. Multi-finger there are zooming; scrolling; rotation; three-finger; four-finger. Additional there are palm tracking; sensitivity; smart motion. Future: Touchpads are replaced with virtual reality, we can control everything on screen using our finger and we no need any physical contact to the object or product, and we can virtually move anything on screen. In future, we cant see mice due to virtual reality is useful for bright future. Mice transforms from mechanical to electrical from past to present, further we can see virtual reality. Virtual reality is the latest technology. Bibliography Battery optimization for mouse technology. Engineering research and applied science 5(1).2147-3471 (2016): 328-331.web. AppleS Mouse: A history -512. N.p., 2017.web. 30 Mar.2017. First laptops with touchpad as mouse replacement?. Vintage computer forum. N.p., 2017. Web.30 Mar.2017 Father of The Mouse: Doug Engelbart. An Exclusive Interview in Superkids Software Review.,2017.web.23 Mar.2017. Smallwood, karl. who invented The computer Mouse?. Today I Found Out.N.p., 2017.web. 26 Mar.2017.